Leadership & Ethics - exploration of topics studied in grad school

I'm a student at St. Edward's MSOLE program, graduating (hopefully) in Winter 07. This blog contains some of my projects, a lot of my thoughts on the process and some random ranting and raving.

Friday, June 02, 2006

long time no blog

School has continued to be interesting and challenging. I did well in Critical Thinking, which is by far my favorite class to date. I'm more than halfway through Leading Change, which has been alternately interesting and frustrating. But, like the first class, it has brought up a lot of questions about my own ethics, behavior and values. This is always valuable.

So much of what I'm doing for school is entertwined with work, and we all know that blogging about work is a very, very bad idea. So I can't write much these days. I can, however, recommend some books from what I've read so far for class and supplementally. If you're thinking about doing this program, read these books:

Leadership and Spirit - Moxley
When things fall apart -Chodron
The Corporation - Bakan
Leading Change - O'Brien
Working with Emotional Intelligence - Goleman
Flawed Advice and the Management Trap - Argyris (this is mega-dense, but a good foundation for critical thinking)


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