Leadership & Ethics - exploration of topics studied in grad school

I'm a student at St. Edward's MSOLE program, graduating (hopefully) in Winter 07. This blog contains some of my projects, a lot of my thoughts on the process and some random ranting and raving.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

One down, five to go

Last night was my last class of my first semester. I really enjoyed Critical Thinking. Stan is a great teacher. I wish we'd been able to spend a little less time on process, an a little more on discussion, but I got a lot out of it. My group project went pretty well. I think we all learned a great deal about ethics and corporations.

I've heard from my classmates that the texts for the next class are good, I'm going to start on them this weekend. The next class is Leading Organizational Change. It starts Weds. No rest for the exhausted.